
Senate Standing Order on Departmental and Agency Grants

On 24 June 2008, the Senate agreed to a motion requiring all Australian Government departments and agencies to produce a list of all grants approved in each portfolio or agency, including the value of the grant, recipient of the grant and the program from which the grant was made.

The lists are tabled three times a year commencing in 2011.

The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman agency lists since 2011 are a nil response.

Senate Standing Order on Departmental and Agency Grants

On 24 June 2008, the Senate agreed to a motion requiring all Australian Government departments and agencies to produce a list of all grants approved in each portfolio or agency, including the value of the grant, recipient of the grant and the program from which the grant was made.

The lists are tabled three times a year commencing in 2011.

The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman agency lists since 2011 are a nil response.