
Best Practice Principles for Commonwealth agencies, such as the ATO, when engaging with people to tell them they owe the government money

There are five principles, namely:

  1. WHY: Be transparent and accountable – build and maintain public trust and confidence in the agency and its purpose
  2. WHAT: Tell people what the debt is and where it comes from – think about the person you are communicating with
  3. HOW: Provide clear information for requesting review, debt waivers and repayment arrangements – tell people about their rights to seek review, payment arrangements and waiver and make sure they have access to sufficient information to fully participate in the process
  4. HELP: Provide contacts for people to find out more information – there will always be circumstances where people have additional questions, require more information or just need to speak to a person about their situation
  5. LEARN: Learn and improve – undertaking a process such as recovery of government debts, especially old debts is a valuable opportunity to identify lessons learnt and implement changes to improve future practices.

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There are five principles, namely:

  1. WHY: Be transparent and accountable – build and maintain public trust and confidence in the agency and its purpose
  2. WHAT: Tell people what the debt is and where it comes from – think about the person you are communicating with
  3. HOW: Provide clear information for requesting review, debt waivers and repayment arrangements – tell people about their rights to seek review, payment arrangements and waiver and make sure they have access to sufficient information to fully participate in the process
  4. HELP: Provide contacts for people to find out more information – there will always be circumstances where people have additional questions, require more information or just need to speak to a person about their situation
  5. LEARN: Learn and improve – undertaking a process such as recovery of government debts, especially old debts is a valuable opportunity to identify lessons learnt and implement changes to improve future practices.

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